Friday, September 16, 2011

It's the simple things!

I hope I don't sound like a broken record (that's a sound that was made when a black plastic disc with music on it skipped back to the same line over and over...repeating phrases let you know you had a broken record) but it truly is the simple things that mean the most. I will try and use terminology in the future that won't need  such a long explanation, but I'm too excited to think of something else. We had our first Coffee and Conversation at Chick-fil-A this morning and it was such a blessing!
A free cup of coffee and people to talk to while I drank it. I think I could start every Thursday like that. I'm always amazed by the number of topics we women can cover in a short amount of time. Today was no different. Hearing each other's stories took us on quite a trip...from backpacking across Euorup to South Africa, from the Holy Land to Ireland, and a good many states in the USA. I hope you will try and be a part of the next C&C if you are anywhere around Savannah Georgia. We will be dropping in to the Chick-fil-A every second Thursday from 9am to 11am through the end of this year. We may expand the times to include and evening in 2012.
I never told you why I was so excited after C&C today. Everyone that came was younger than me! I love being the Women's Pastor at Savannah Christian Church but if there is one thing I love most about our ministry it's that it is multigenerational. I believe with all of my heart that this is how Jesus wants His church to look. We are going to keep working at getting the news out to women of all ages so we can honor what the Lord has called us to do in Titus 2.
What I saw today were sisters meeting for the first time, realizing they had family even far from home. I saw old friends reunited and catching up on each others lives. I saw tears and laughter. It's the simple things...a friend saying she knows how you feel...a sister's tears that prove she's been where you are...a prayer breathed for hope that He will see you through.
Well I'll close this Thursday Thought with the reminder to take each opportunity to connect with your sisters in the Lord. Next opportunity for this is our Girls night out: Shine Like Stars on September 30th! Visit our website to see pictures from other Girls Night Out events.
I'll look for you.
Sarah Huxford
Women's Pastor SCC 

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